Tuesday, July 30, 2013

What Changes You Need to Control High Blood Pressure

Blood pressure is a problem of health that has many of the peoples. We are known about high blood pressure and low blood pressure. High blood pressure is one of them. There are many ways to control high blood pressure and lower blood pressure that can help maintain blood pressure. So try to follow these ways and make a healthy life that you want to live fresh. Follow these steps:

Control blood pressure in this way:
  1. Need enough manual and physical labor. (Walk everyday at least 30 minutes with 6 kilometers per hour.
  2. Walking five minutes after taking each meal.
  3. Don’t use remote control for opening or closing Television, Fan, Light, Door and window or other electronics remote controlling systems equipments.
  4. Change your regular diet. You will eat low amount of fat, sweet or other fatty foods. It will need to eat vegetables, fruits and marine fish regular. Stop to eat a large

Control Blood Pressure

You may see in the before post about to control high blood pressure. There was some steps or ways how can control high blood pressure. You may also follow these steps to control high blood pressure.
  1. Boycott any kinds of smoking and wine. Because that two habit is very harmful for human life. So avoid smoking and wine anyhow.
  2.  Need a standard hour sleep and take a rest after you working. It can reduce your five hours working tiredness if you take five minutes rest.
  3. Take enough potassium-     If you have more level of sodium it may be caused for high blood pressure otherwise

The Benefits of Drinking Tea

Drinking tea has some good benefits that can solve your body weight problem and reduce your risk of diabetes. But it is not the last thing for benefits of drinking tea, there has more benefits of drinking tea that can help you make your health good and it gives you curious for healthy drinking.

Weight loss:
Now a day, Weight loss is very professional word for us. That is why most of the people interested with the word and they want to know real way how is easy way to weight lose. In 2011 a study proved that utilization of green tea extort weight loss very quickly in laboratory rats. Now we see that there have many famous brands which are sell very good product for weight loss. And it is the easiest way to loss weight. But it is recommended that don’t use excessive sugar for drinking tea and green tea is the best way to drink.

Fighting with Diabetes:
Oh, Diabetes is now on Spot Light. Because every countries persons are face this disease. A study of 2010 also found that the caffeine in tea helps to reduce the risk of diabetes. But

Sunday, July 28, 2013

5 Soda Is Bad For Kidneys

Any kinds of carbonated drinks are not healthy and it’s lead to obesity and health problems. It also claimed for artificial sweeteners that is causes for trigger cancer. There has a recent study that if you drink more than two glasses of soda a day, there may be very possible to increase the chronic kidney disease.

1. Phosphoric acid:
Usually soda contains more phosphoric acid, which can affect directly kidneys stone in the urinary tract. Its bind to other minerals like as calcium, in the kidneys and it’s the causes for kidney stone formation.

2. Sodium:
Sodium is one of the main elements for soda. Sodium is a type of salt that may increase the risk of chronic kidney disease. As a chronic disease, it is characterized by inability of the kidneys to filter dust from your body and there has high risk to buildup toxins in the blood of your body.

Foods For Healthy Living-Women

Foods for Female
Women health is one of the important matters. Especially woman health has a secrete things than a man. Women are paying special attention on their health. So they have needed to know more about health care. There many disease that face women. There are some like- Bone Damage, Skin Problem, Low Level Blood circulation etc and specially their periods time they face some sensitive problems. If the want they can rid of that problems very easily. There are some special foods that are called women food. Those can especially help to keep good health. There are some food list that can help them to avoid the problem. For their healthy living they need to attention about this meals chart.

Papaya is one the best and healthy food.In Papaya there is double amount of vitamin ‘C’ more than   orange. University of California’s scientists analyzed the 13 thousands of women blood, whose women has low level vitamin ‘C’ they have gall bladder disease. Women are affected double than men from gall bladder disease. So we need vitamin ‘C’ to prevent the gall bladder disease. Medium-size Papaya (near about 280 grams) there has 188 milligrams vitamin ‘C’. So right now start eating it.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Foods For Healthy Living-1

Foods for Male

From a recent research by Harvard University, we can know that there are Coleseed vegetables like Broccoli   which prevent the bladder cancer. Basically the Asian men suffer from the bladder cancer. Are you known what bladder cancer is? It is a kind of cancer that may suffer in your belly. It is a very bad disease for human specially women. Scientist had tested the 50 thousand men who ate coleseed vegetables since 10 years every week 4 or 5 times in a week, they are out of risk 50% than whose men had eaten it sometimes. Cabbage is one of the high protein vegetables. Actually Broccoli and cabbage is the most effective foods for the prevention of bladder cancer. There are many kinds of cancer that we know. But the treatment of cancer is very risk at all. But now this modern medical civilization it is developing day by day.

Peanut Butter:
If you want keep heart well, you can disseminate the Peanut Butter on wafer in the breakfast. Heart Attack is the main slayer for men and women and men, but initially men are affected more by this disease. Some fats in peanut, but it is healthy for your body. Butter of peanut is monounsaturated fat. It reduces the harmful cholesterol level of LDL, but it does not reduce the salutary level of cholesterol HDL. The researchers found evidence that peanut’s food can reduce the risk of heart attack. There are many kinds of heart diseases like as Heart Attack, Stroke, Coronary Artery Disease, Endocarditic, High Blood Pressure, Congestive Heart Failure etc. So you need peanut butter to avoid this damage. Keeping good health and for healthy living you need such thins. Peanut butter has also more benefit that can get after take it in your eating habit.

Foods For Healthy Living-2

Foods for Male:

There are foods which are very helpful for health and it can help to prevent much health disease. Between five women, one of the women is suffering from so painful urinary infection. When you suffer from arthritis, you feel pain to urinate, vexation and you also feel pain in the lower of the belly. There was a student in the Department of English of Dhaka University whose name is Dola was suffering like this problem. She suffers from the problem 3 times in year. One day she knew news from a newspaper in a column that the Juice of Cranberry is very protective things to prevent that infection. Up next Dola was drinking the juice cranberry a long time and the in the in the mean while she did not feel the urinate infection. She understood that she now out of danger for the juice of cranberry. Actually the juice of cranberry is not prevention which can prevent like other disease. There are many foods like that which keep protection for male and female. So you should be very conscious about the matter.


Which men eat a large amount of tomato, tomato sauce or eat cocked tomatoes, they possibly out of risk from Prostate Cancer. The Harvard University researchers research between forty thousand men on their dietary. Tomato is one of the great source of vitamin and minaral. It is a one of the best healthy food.The researchers proved that which men ate tomato sauce 2 or 3 times in each week they are out of the risk 30% than other general people who did not eat those. Because, in tomato has leucopenia called carotene which reduce the Prostate Cancer risk. But the scientist says, the juice of tomato does not work protector as like tomato. It knows from a

Friday, July 26, 2013


Blood cancer is medically termed as leukemia. The incidence of leukemia is gradually increased day by day in the world. The health articles help you to know more about leukemia that means blood cancer. Blood cancer is not an unknown disease for us. It is very common disease to us. And it hampers our life as cruel nature. So we should need to know about leukemia disease.

Leukemia is derived from the word ‘Leukos’ which means ‘white’ and ‘emia’ which means ‘blood’. So previously it was thought to be a disease of white blood cell. But now a day, it is evident that it can affect any series of blood cells.

As a definition, it can be said that leukemia is a heterogeneous group of malignant neoplastic disorder haemopoietic stem cell characterized by diffuse infiltration and replacement of haemopoietic cells by neoplastic cells in the bone marrow and presence of malignant cells in the peripheral blood. It is a chronicle thought on medical science.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Types of Leukemia

There are many types of cancer that has occurred. It is very important to know the types of cancer because it helps you to know more the health care information. According to the onset and progress of the disease, leukemia can be classified as-

  • Acute leukemia:

Onset is within days or weeks and the condition rapidly deteriorate. It increases so in the body.

  • Chronic leukemia:

Onset is within months or years. It increases as a slow process. But it hampers our body too badly.

According to tissue of origin, leukemia may be classified as-

Leukemia Symptoms

To know about Leukemia symptoms are very important to find out leukemia disease. So the health articles provide you to know leukemia symptoms so that you can know the category of health care information as well as possible. Fever is the main way to find out leukemia symptoms. It may be associated with infections like respiratory tract infection, sore threat, skin infection etc.

The main types of leukemia are four parts. There has no too different types symptoms of leukemia and its all type has same symptoms of leukemia.

Leukemia patients suffer from weakness, lassitude, tiredness, breathlessness on exertion etc. They also experience bleeding from different sites which are manifested as petechiae purpura, gum bleeding,

Leukemia Treatment

It is known to us that blood cancer another name is Leukemia. There are many ways for leukemia treatment. It depends on your doctor’s suggestion. The doctor first will fined your types of leukemia that has suffered you and then your health condition and your blood cells category. Overall observation, you may get this common treatment:

  • Supportive Care:
                           Leukemic patients must be provided with intensive general supportive
                          care. Regular blood transfusion is necessary for leukemia patient. Broad    
                          spectrum antibiotics should be given to control infection. Anti-fungal to   
                          be given to prevent fungal infection.  Personal hygiene should be strictly     

  • Specific Treatment:
             Leukemics are best treated with chemotherapy which is available now.
                         Now-a-days,various chemotherapeutic agents are available,like
                         Doxorubicin, Cytarabin, Etoposide, Cyclophosphamide,

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Drug Addiction

Drug addiction is increasing day by day with an uncountable thought.  From town to village it is now increasing broadly with in every moment all over the world. It is reaching child to old age people who are addicted with the problem. Drug addiction is open thought any developed countries. There has a lot of chance addiction. On the other hand, undeveloped countries people are also addicted with the problem. There has not enough chance but there has special boundary where is more chance for addiction.

Drug addiction is not an uncommon thought for us.  It has come from the primary stage of our earth. But we should need to protect it. Drug addiction is not good for any countries background and other general people. It hampers our social and family relation and it makes a lot of problem that we face everyday in our life and society. So, all of the people who are aware about the addiction, they should need making a social awareness to protect the bad situation.

There are many ways for drugs addiction. Primarily, every addicted people begin with smoking and it is 95% true who are addicted. But it at a time,