Thursday, July 25, 2013

Leukemia Symptoms

To know about Leukemia symptoms are very important to find out leukemia disease. So the health articles provide you to know leukemia symptoms so that you can know the category of health care information as well as possible. Fever is the main way to find out leukemia symptoms. It may be associated with infections like respiratory tract infection, sore threat, skin infection etc.

The main types of leukemia are four parts. There has no too different types symptoms of leukemia and its all type has same symptoms of leukemia.

Leukemia patients suffer from weakness, lassitude, tiredness, breathlessness on exertion etc. They also experience bleeding from different sites which are manifested as petechiae purpura, gum bleeding,
bleeding from nose (epistaxis) bleeding per rectum (haematemesis, melaena).

Patients also present with lypmphadenopathy (enlargement of lymphnodes), bone pain, gum hypertrophy, testicular enlargement, hepatomegaly, splenomegaly. Serve cases produce central nervous system involvement like disorientation, confusion, unconsciousness, convulsion, and coma.

It is the recent health articles which helps you to know symptoms of leukemia and it will be easy to understand about leukemia, types of leukemia, leukemia symptoms and leukemia treatment.


  • Complete blood count:

HB%     -     Decreased

TC         -     Highly increased

DC         -     Leukocytosis

ESR       -     Increased

  • Peripheral blood film:

Contain blast cell

  • Bone marrow examination:

Cellularity                            -                    Increased

Myeloid erythroid ratio       -                   Incrased

Erythropoiesis                     -                  Decreased

Granulopoiesis                    -                  Highly increased

Megakaryopoiesis               -                 Decreased

It’s all the chart of blood cells status which indicates leukemia symptoms. The symptoms leukemia is now measurable to find out the problem. So if you can know about blood cancer, you can aware about a kinds of cancer. It would be helpful for leukemia treatment.

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