Sunday, July 28, 2013

5 Soda Is Bad For Kidneys

Any kinds of carbonated drinks are not healthy and it’s lead to obesity and health problems. It also claimed for artificial sweeteners that is causes for trigger cancer. There has a recent study that if you drink more than two glasses of soda a day, there may be very possible to increase the chronic kidney disease.

1. Phosphoric acid:
Usually soda contains more phosphoric acid, which can affect directly kidneys stone in the urinary tract. Its bind to other minerals like as calcium, in the kidneys and it’s the causes for kidney stone formation.

2. Sodium:
Sodium is one of the main elements for soda. Sodium is a type of salt that may increase the risk of chronic kidney disease. As a chronic disease, it is characterized by inability of the kidneys to filter dust from your body and there has high risk to buildup toxins in the blood of your body.

3. Artificial Sweeteners:
We know diet soda is made without sugar. But there has some internal artificial sweeteners instead of sugar where has higher sugar than normal sweeteners. In research, claimed that diet soda has a negative effect on kidney function. So be aware about any diet soda and take proven diet soda that doctors suggest.

4. Caffeine:
Caffeine is another natural element in soda that has not a positive effect on kidneys. Caffeine is the element of soda that can increase blood pressure and lead to increase the risk of kidney disease. And it is true that diet soda especially related to blood pressure spikes.

5. Corn Syrup:

Sod has bad effects on the kidneys due to added high fructose corn syrup. In corn syrup has lot of calories which may be the cause of kidney disease and also increase blood pressure. That why you need avoid soda which has contain high amount of corn syrup.

These five elements of soda are harmful for your body. For that reason you need to avoid it and don’t drink excess soda because it can bring big problems to your body and increasing your normal growth. So aware about healthy drinks that you drinks everyday.

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