Saturday, July 27, 2013

Foods For Healthy Living-1

Foods for Male

From a recent research by Harvard University, we can know that there are Coleseed vegetables like Broccoli   which prevent the bladder cancer. Basically the Asian men suffer from the bladder cancer. Are you known what bladder cancer is? It is a kind of cancer that may suffer in your belly. It is a very bad disease for human specially women. Scientist had tested the 50 thousand men who ate coleseed vegetables since 10 years every week 4 or 5 times in a week, they are out of risk 50% than whose men had eaten it sometimes. Cabbage is one of the high protein vegetables. Actually Broccoli and cabbage is the most effective foods for the prevention of bladder cancer. There are many kinds of cancer that we know. But the treatment of cancer is very risk at all. But now this modern medical civilization it is developing day by day.

Peanut Butter:
If you want keep heart well, you can disseminate the Peanut Butter on wafer in the breakfast. Heart Attack is the main slayer for men and women and men, but initially men are affected more by this disease. Some fats in peanut, but it is healthy for your body. Butter of peanut is monounsaturated fat. It reduces the harmful cholesterol level of LDL, but it does not reduce the salutary level of cholesterol HDL. The researchers found evidence that peanut’s food can reduce the risk of heart attack. There are many kinds of heart diseases like as Heart Attack, Stroke, Coronary Artery Disease, Endocarditic, High Blood Pressure, Congestive Heart Failure etc. So you need peanut butter to avoid this damage. Keeping good health and for healthy living you need such thins. Peanut butter has also more benefit that can get after take it in your eating habit.

Until the age of fifty five, men have suffered high blood pressure more than Women. Research has shown that kinds of potassium foods reduce the risk of high blood pressure and any kind of stroke. The evidence is so hard that recently the Section of Food and Drug Administration of America accepts the method of potassium food and high blood pressure. You will achieve your goal if you eat 2000 milligrams potassium everyday. Foods with potassium are very essential element of human. Watermelon is the source of that mineral. There is a large amount of potassium in watermelon. There is 664 milligrams potassium in a large slice watermelon which has more benefit than a glass of orange or a banana. There are many calories in watermelon that is very important for keeping our healthy body.

It is known to all that vegetables and blood pressure is related to one another. If you have blood pressure, vegetables is one of the prevention for that. It is very important for everyone to know about high blood pressure because it is occurring regularly average man in the world and it is increasing day by day. In the description on the foods item Watermelon, Broccoli, Peanut Butter all thing are very good to eat and it's all so healthy food. This food is very essential for our eating habit and our lifestyle. This foods gives us health living with freshness.

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