Friday, July 26, 2013


Blood cancer is medically termed as leukemia. The incidence of leukemia is gradually increased day by day in the world. The health articles help you to know more about leukemia that means blood cancer. Blood cancer is not an unknown disease for us. It is very common disease to us. And it hampers our life as cruel nature. So we should need to know about leukemia disease.

Leukemia is derived from the word ‘Leukos’ which means ‘white’ and ‘emia’ which means ‘blood’. So previously it was thought to be a disease of white blood cell. But now a day, it is evident that it can affect any series of blood cells.

As a definition, it can be said that leukemia is a heterogeneous group of malignant neoplastic disorder haemopoietic stem cell characterized by diffuse infiltration and replacement of haemopoietic cells by neoplastic cells in the bone marrow and presence of malignant cells in the peripheral blood. It is a chronicle thought on medical science.

Here, the main pathology occurs in bone marrow. Bone marrow is responsible for production of all the blood cells. In leukemia, malignant cells occupy the bone marrow and undergo rapid proliferation. As a result, normal haemopoetic cells are replaced and can not produce sufficient number of effective blood cells. Leukemia is a big subject for blood related function.

Now the recent health articles are about leukemia has some hopeful health care information which is very protect able for leukemia. Blood test is very essential to detect leukemia primarily. It is the first way to find out the leukemia disease. Leukemia is a very big disease but now the medical science tries to protect it as soon as possible.

We need to know about leukemia with specifically so that we can aware about the disease. There are many types of leukemia which is occurred in our blood cell. So you need to the types of leukemia and leukemia treatment that is very important for every people. It would be helpful for you to know more about leukemia and leukemia treatment.

It is very essential to us to know about leukemia and also about it's related function such as leukemia symptoms, about it's treatment and other things so that we can remedy from it very easily and timely. So need know more about it.

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